Transition smoothly to ZSH on macOS Catalina with tips on setup, Oh My ZSH installation, theme customization, and porting existing configurations.

Moving to ZSH

After the announcement a few weeks back↗ that Apple would be defaulting to zsh↗ in macOS Catalina I decided to take the plunge and make the switch on my current machines. I have tried making the switch once before, but for one reason or another I ended up reverting back to Bash. This time I decided to do a little more reading up and also add the .zshrc file to my dotfiles repo↗ and move as much as my .bash_profile over as possible. ...

June 15, 2019 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Explore Terraform quirks: module challenges, resource dependencies, and count/list workarounds.

Terraform Quirks

I have been using Terraform over the last few months, having not used it in anger for quite a while↗ since the projects I have been working on have been more suitable for using Ansible↗ . However, as I am doing more and more with Microsoft Azure, I found the Ansible modules a little lacking, plus for someone of the projects I have had to use an orchestration tool which can natively run on Windows. ...

February 9, 2019 · 5 min · Russ Mckendrick
Exploring DigitalOcean’s Managed Kubernetes service: setup, testing, and ease of use. A comprehensive guide by Russ Mckendrick.

First steps with DigitalOcean’s Managed Kubernetes service

A few days ago DigitalOcean released their Managed Kubernetes service, as I had a little time this afternoon I decided to give it a spin. Each of the public clouds has a Kubernetes service now, I covered these in the third edition of Mastering Docker↗ . The general gist of the chapter was that both the Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud offerings were both excellent. However, the Amazon Web Services offering was an over-complicated mess. ...

December 16, 2018 · 5 min · Russ Mckendrick
Catch up on Russ Mckendrick's adventures in the last 270 days! From book writing to vinyl collecting

270 Days

It has been 270 days since my last post, so what I have been doing with my time? Well, I have been busy writing, just not this blog. Not only have I wrote and released Learn Ansible↗ , but also I have updated the Second Edition of Mastering Docker↗ bringing it up to date with the release of the Third Edition of Mastering Docker↗ which is now available from Packt Publishing↗ . ...

October 25, 2018 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Explore the Docker Store, your one-stop marketplace for Docker-related content. From Docker EE to plugins and containers, find both free and paid offerings.

Shopping for Containers

Over the last six months the Docker Store, which was first introduced as a private beta nearly a year and a half ago in June 2016, has come on leaps and bounds. It has quickly, but without much fanfare, become a one stop shop for all things Docker, with the both the documentation and home pages linking back to content now hosted on the store. So what is the Docker Store? In short, it is a market place for containers, plugins and also Docker itself there is a mixture of free and also paid content from both Docker themselves as well as third part providers. ...

January 28, 2018 · 5 min · Russ Mckendrick
Explore Rancher 2.0 with me. Test the preview version and discover its features & limitations.

Playing with Rancher 2.0

As I had some free time this weekend so I thought it would be good to have a play with the recently released preview of Rancher 2.0. Please do not follow along with this post, you will see why towards the end !!! When I last wrote about Rancher, is was back in June 2016↗ , in that post I launched Rancher locally and used it target a few VirtualBox VMs. Rather than Virtual Box VMs I am going to use a cloud service, but I am going to be running it locally again, to do this launch the container I ran the following command; ...

January 28, 2018 · 5 min · Russ Mckendrick
Unlock the potential of Kubernetes for serverless applications with insights and practical guidance from Russ Mckendrick's latest book.

Kubernetes for Serverless Applications

My fifth book has now been published, and is avilable from Packt↗ publishing; Kubernetes has established itself as the standard platform for container management, orchestration, and deployment. It has been adopted by companies such as Google, its original developers, and Microsoft as an integral part of their public cloud platforms, so that you can develop for Kubernetes and not worry about being locked into a single vendor. This book will initially start by introducing serverless functions. Then you will configure tools such as Minikube to run Kubernetes. Once you are up-and-running, you will install and configure Kubeless, your first step towards running Function as a Service (FaaS) on Kubernetes. Then you will gradually move towards running Fission, a framework used for managing serverless functions on Kubernetes environments. Towards the end of the book, you will also work with Kubernetes functions on public and private clouds. ...

January 20, 2018 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Discover Docker and Kubernetes integration on Mac, enabling easy deployment and management of containerized applications.

Docker + Kubernetes

This morning, like a lot of the Docker community, I receieved an email I had been waiting for since November, confirmation that Kubernetes on Docker for Mac had made its way through to a public edge release. The version of Docker I was running was on the stable channel; The first thing I did was open up the preferences; ...

January 6, 2018 · 5 min · Russ Mckendrick