My top 10 albums of 2013, a rich mix of genres with highlights from Monster Magnet, David Bowie, and more, showcasing the year's standout music.

Top 10 2013

Keeping up the yearly tradition here is what I have been listing to in 2013 …. Monster Magnet — Last Patrol↗ David Bowie — The Next Day↗ Coheed and Cambria — The Afterman: Descension↗ Gary Numan — Splinter (Songs from a Broken Mind)↗ Gregory Porter — Liquid Spirit↗ Clutch — Earth Rocker↗ Public Service Broadcasting — Inform — Educate — Entertain↗ How to Destroy Angels — Welcome Oblivion↗ Sigur Rós — Kveikur↗ Katatonia — Dethroned & Uncrowned↗ The Temperance Movement — The Temperance Movement↗

December 8, 2013 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Explore the essential tools and services that enhance my efficiency as a developer and sysadmin, from code editors and version control to server hosting.

Stuff I use

I am trying to streamline my workflow at the moment. Currently on the Mac these are; StormSSH↗ — Key Managment Vagrant↗ — Local Server testing Packer↗ — Build Machine Images SublimeText↗ — Text Editor Z↗ — Jump around the CLI Le-git↗ — Adds some GIT features Git Tower↗ — GUI for GIT Home Brew↗ — Install “missing” stuff and on my servers; CentOS 6.x↗ — The Base OS Puppet↗ — Configuration Managment SaltStack↗ — Infrastructure management along with these other services;...

November 17, 2013 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
A comprehensive guide on setting up Cobbler on CentOS 6.x for mirroring repos and server kickstarts, including EPEL enablement and security setup.

Installing Cobbler on CentOS 6.x

I needed a simple way to mirror some repos, and potentially kickstart some servers at a future date. While something like The Foreman↗ would do the build side of things it doesn’t repo mirrors (yet). So I did an install of Cobbler↗ . This turned out to be more stright forward than I thought, first you need to ensure EPEL↗ is enabled …. Installing Cobbler on CentOS 6.x 1/1 yum install http://ftp....

October 13, 2013 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
A concise tutorial on setting up SaltStack for centralized server management on CentOS, including master-minion setup and basic commands.

SaltStack on CentOS 6.x

Had a play with SaltStack↗ today, it’s a good way to manage multiple machines from a central location. It runs as a Server (master) and client (minion). First we need to install the Salt-Master, this assumes you are installing on CentOS and don’t mind having EPEL installed on both the master and minion …. SaltStack on CentOS 6.x 1/3 # Install EPEL and Update on both the master and minions yum update -y yum install http://ftp....

October 6, 2013 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Step-by-step guide to setting up a Puppet Server and agent on CentOS 6.4, including Apache configuration and SSL certificate management.

Puppet Server & Client Installation CentOS 6.x

This post assumes that you are starting with a clean minimal CentOS 6.4 64bit server and you have a full hostname set. Puppet Server Installation …… Puppet Server & Client Installation CentOS 6.x 1/4 # Hostname — Make sure the host name it set to and that you replace references in this file # Install puppet & epel repos yum install -y # Download puppet-server from Puppet Labs, apache and necessary dependencies yum install -y vim-enhanced puppet-server httpd httpd-devel mod_ssl ruby-devel rubygems gcc-c++ curl-devel zlib-devel make automake openssl-devel rubygem-rack rubygem-passenger-native-libs rubygem-passenger-native rubygem-passenger rubygem-fastthread libev mod_passenger git # Start Puppet-Server /etc/init....

August 31, 2013 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick