Revisiting classic albums from Jellyfish, The Wannadies, and Spacehog, exploring the enduring appeal of these musical gems from my collection.

It’s Been A While

Been listening to some old albums this past week, some I haven’t heard for years, such as …. Jellyfish — Bellybutton↗ The Wannadies — Be a Girl↗ Spacehog — Resident Alien↗↗ …. think I will revisit some more this week.

May 5, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Enhance your Docker experience with Puppet-managed containers, featuring a suite of trusted builds for databases and PHP environments on the Docker Index.

Yet More Docker

Since my last post about Docker I have been playing a lot more, rather than use a GUI like Shipyard↗ I decided to use @garethr’s excellent Puppet Module↗ to manage and deploy my containers. This allowed me to take a better look at the builds I had over at the Docker Index↗ . The following is a list of builds I have deployed so far ….. General Containers Base↗ — Base build for use with other Docker build Jump Host- Build which can be used as a SSH jump host Database Containers MySQL 5....

May 4, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Deploy a stable Docker setup on CentOS with Shipyard for container management, using Puppet for installation and Supervisor for high availability.

Deploying a Stable Docker Setup on CentOS with Shipyard

Been playing with Docker↗ again this weekend, this time rather than just doing for the sake of doing it I went for something a little more stable. I started off by creating a new DigitalOcean↗ droplet with the latest CentOS installed to run as a base. I then installed docker using the Docker Puppet Module↗ . So now I had Docker installed now what? I looked at some PaaS services, a bulk of them require Ubuntu (which I simply don’t do on servers), however Shipyard↗ looked good....

April 27, 2014 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Streamline Magento installations with n98-magerun, a handy command-line tool, for efficient setup and deployment of Magento with sample data.

Quick Magento Installation

As part of work I have to install Magento with its sample data a lot for proof of concepts, while the installation is simple it can quickly become a chore. Because of this I have started to use n98-magerun↗ . It can be installed using the following commands; Quick Magento Installation 1/2 curl -o n98-magerun.phar chmod +x ./n98-magerun.phar cp ./n98-magerun.phar /usr/local/bin/ n98-magerun.phar self-update Once installed you can do clean installation by running the following command where you would like Magento to be installed;...

April 19, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Efficient Puppet setup on CentOS with quick deployment scripts for Puppet Master and Agents, including a GitHub repo for easy configuration management.

More Puppet

I have been playing my Digital Ocean↗ server a lot recently. Breaking it, fixing it and then rebuilding it, while I had documented my puppet installation it was getting to be a pain to copy and paste with each rebuild, so I pulled together a few scripts↗ from various sources to make the rebuilds a little less of a chore. To install fresh Puppet Master all I need to do now is run the following command;...

February 23, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
A beginner's guide to Docker on CentOS, covering installation, running containers, and basic management with an introduction to Docker commands.


Been playing a little with Docker↗ this afternoon, while its something I have been aware for a while its not something I have really looked into. As I prefer working with CentOS rather than Ubuntu its taken me a while to get the motivation to do any more than some reading, however as the latest version now runs on RHE compatible Docker 1/4 yum install yum -y install docker-io service docker start chkconfig docker on Once the services are installed pull down some images to test with;...

February 15, 2014 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Explore handy Jekyll snippets for enhancing static site generation, including unique presentation of the latest post and consistent post excerpts.

Jekyll Snippets

Had a go at converting a mostly static but dynamically rendered site to use Jekyll yesterday, it was a lot more straight forward than I thought it was going to be. As part of the conversion I needed to display the first post differently, after consulting the all knowing Google I settled on the following method; Jekyll Snippets 1/4 Getting just the latest post; html {% for post in site.posts offset: 0 limit: 1 %}...

February 2, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
A deep dive into using Vagrant and Puppet for setting up reproducible development environments, mirroring production with local Virtualbox instances.

Vagrant & Puppet

Vagrant allows developers to bring up local development machines in a controlled method using pre-built configuration files called boxes. Once a box has been installed on the developers local machine it can be powered on with the following command; Vagrant & Puppet 1/2 vagrant up When the box is brought up it automatically provisions itself using a number of provisioners including Puppet, this means that the production deployment scripts can also be run on local development copies of the instances....

January 12, 2014 · 3 min · Russ Mckendrick