Catch up on my latest adventures: Docker 1.0 release, CentOS 7, new site theme, music from Aphex Twin, and a work post on AWS multi-factor authentication.


I have been missing in action for a while, busy with work and other “stuff”. Since I last posted ….. Docker 1.0 has been released.↗ CentOS↗ 7 has been released↗ . I have updated the sites theme again to use So Simple↗ . Aphex Twin’s Long Lost Caustic Window LP was released.↗ Also new albums from Neil Finn↗ , Anathema↗ and Crippled Black Phoenix↗ have all been released. I have written a blog post for work↗ on MFA in AWS. ….. suppose I had better make more of an effort to post now that everything has caught up. ...

July 12, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Follow my guide to install OpenShift Origin on a CentOS 6.5 DO droplet. Get step-by-step instructions & troubleshoot issues.

OpenShift Origin installation notes

Having ran a local copy of OpenShift Origin↗ using VirtualBox↗ I decided to have a go at running it on a Digital Ocean↗ Droplet running CentOS 6.5. This should be easy as there is an installer↗ which claims; You’re one shell command away from deploying your own Platform as a Service. Well, sort of, after a few failed installs I finally managed it using the following (this assumes you are running a clean and minimal CentOS 6.5 installation) ...

May 31, 2014 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Learn how to use Cask with Homebrew for easy installation of macOS applications, saving time and simplifying setup processes for your favorite apps.


I did a clean installation of my laptop this weekend, rather than go through the list of apps I had installed and do a manual installation of each one using the “Download and drag” method I decided to use Cask↗ . Cask is a Homebrew↗ package which automates to the download and install part. Here is pretty much my entire installation process …. Cask 1/1 ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL" brew doctor brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask brew cask install google-chrome brew cask install dropbox brew cask install google-drive brew cask install sublime-text brew cask install github brew cask install spotify brew cask install libreoffice brew cask install virtualbox brew cask install skype The only downside is that it installs the packages into the users Application directory which set my OCD off, it was quickly remedied though by simply moving the link once I had installed everything I needed. ...

May 26, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Explore Sysdig, the versatile tool for system-level exploration on Linux, offering insights into server state and activities for troubleshooting and security.


Sysdig↗ looks like it could be a useful addition to a sysadmins list of tools, it is described as; Sysdig is open source, system-level exploration: capture system state and activity from a running Linux instance, then save, filter and analyze. Think of it as strace + tcpdump + lsof + awesome sauce. With a little Lua cherry on top. It’s easy to install↗ …. Sysdig 1/1 curl -s | sudo bash …. and even easier to run …. ...

May 25, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Launching on Tumblr, a curated hub for DevOps and sysadmin resources. Find out why Tumblr was the chosen platform and how to contribute.

I had registered the domain↗ with the intention of creating a second Jekyll based site which was going to be a link dump for stuff. Instead I decided to use Tumblr↗ as that seemed alot less hassle. So go on, head over & follow↗ . Also, you can submit stuff↗

May 18, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Highlighting the critical need for server security with personal experiences of port scans and brute-force attacks, and how Fail2Ban provided protection.


Since I have been playing with Docker for the past few weeks I have had more servers on-line. I don’t have a static IP address at home so while I have a jump host setup I found I was still being port scanned and brute forced. I only caught a sniff of it in the logs while looking at another problem, even though password authentication is disabled and I only use keys I decided install Fail2Ban↗ to start blocking people, just in-case. As I use Puppet↗ I installed a module and enabled it. Since then I have been flooded with emails !!! ...

May 10, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Revisiting classic albums from Jellyfish, The Wannadies, and Spacehog, exploring the enduring appeal of these musical gems from my collection.

It’s Been A While

Been listening to some old albums this past week, some I haven’t heard for years, such as …. Jellyfish — Bellybutton↗ The Wannadies — Be a Girl↗ Spacehog — Resident Alien↗↗ …. think I will revisit some more this week.

May 5, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Enhance your Docker experience with Puppet-managed containers, featuring a suite of trusted builds for databases and PHP environments on the Docker Index.

Yet More Docker

Since my last post about Docker I have been playing a lot more, rather than use a GUI like Shipyard↗ I decided to use @garethr’s excellent Puppet Module↗ to manage and deploy my containers. This allowed me to take a better look at the builds I had over at the Docker Index↗ . The following is a list of builds I have deployed so far ….. General Containers Base↗ — Base build for use with other Docker build Jump Host- Build which can be used as a SSH jump host Database Containers MySQL 5.5 — Build which runs MySQL 5.5 MySQL 5.6 — Build which runs MySQL 5.6 PHP Containers Apache & PHP 5.4 — Build which runs Apache with PHP 5.4 Apache & PHP 5.5 — Build which runs Apache with PHP 5.5 NGINX & PHP 5.4 — Build which runs NGINX with PHP 5.4 & PHP-FPM NGINX & PHP 5.5 — Build which runs NGINX with PHP 5.5 & PHP-FPM See the GitHub Repo↗ and my Docker Index Profile↗ for more information. ...

May 4, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick