Learn how to manage dotfiles to customize your computing environment using with pre-built collections and forking Bashstrap.


For the last few years I have been grabbing some we documented dotfiles from GitHub↗ but most of them have either ended up reconfigured my Mac to the point of it being unrecognisable or they have just been a collection of useful aliases. The I came across Bashstrap↗ , it was close enough to what I wanted so I forked it↗ …. You can install them using the following commands; ...

August 10, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Unlock the secrets of Google's HTTPS ranking signal and SNI! Learn how to secure your site for maximum visibility.

Google promotes HTTPS everywhere

Google announced earlier this week that they are going to use HTTPS as a ranking signal↗ : We want to go even further. At Google I/O a few months ago, we called for “HTTPS everywhere” on the web. We’ve also seen more and more webmasters adopting HTTPS (also known as HTTP over TLS, or Transport Layer Security), on their website, which is encouraging. For these reasons, over the past few months we’ve been running tests taking into account whether sites use secure, encrypted connections as a signal in our search ranking algorithms. We’ve seen positive results, so we’re starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal. For now it’s only a very lightweight signal — affecting fewer than 1% of global queries, and carrying less weight than other signals such as high-quality content — while we give webmasters time to switch to HTTPS. But over time, we may decide to strengthen it, because we’d like to encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on the web. ...

August 10, 2014 · 3 min · Russ Mckendrick
As an experienced Linux user, I discuss why I prefer CentOS for my servers, comparing it to Fedora and Ubuntu.

Am I an Operating System snob?

Last week I posted about upgrading my servers to CentOS 7, one of the main factors about upgrading to CentOS 7 was the jump in kernel version (from 2.6.x to 3.10.x). Also, it was so that I could use more modern versions core of software without having to worry about installing numerous additional repos. The funny thing is that all of the software I have been waiting to use have been available in both Fedora↗ and Ubuntu↗ for quite a while, so why have I waited? ...

August 3, 2014 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Learn about the process of upgrading servers from CentOS 6 to CentOS 7, including updates for Puppet Master server, Apache configuration, and Docker server.

Upgrading my servers to CentOS 7

==PLEASE NOTE: THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOW OUTDATED, SEE THIS POST FOR AN UPDATE== After I dabbled with CentOS 7 a few weeks ago I decided to take the plunge and upgrade the few servers I run at DigitalOcean↗ to CentOS 7. I run two machines, one is a Puppet and Salt Master, the second runs Docker. Puppet Master Server A while back I added a few bash scripts to deploy both a Puppet Master & Agent↗ to GitHub, as Puppet provide a repo for CentOS 7 I decided to just update the installation script to use this repo and then give ago. I use stephenrjohnson/puppet↗ to deploy the Puppet Master. the Puppet part worked, however it failed to install Passenger and its Apache module because there is no mod_passenger available for CentOS 7 yet. To get around this I grabbed the require packages from The Foremans nightly builds↗ repo. This turned the initial yum install line into the following; ...

July 27, 2014 · 3 min · Russ Mckendrick
Catch up on my recent absence from blogging and learn about the highlights, including the release of Docker 1.0, CentOS 7, updates to the site's theme, and new music releases. Plus, explore my blog post on multi-factor authentication in AWS.

What’s in the toolbox?

It’s been a while since I listed what I am using day-to-day so I thought I would do a quick update; Desktop Apps SublimeText↗ — Text Editor GitHub Mac Client↗ — The Mac GitHub client Marked2↗ — Preview Markdown in real-time Photoshop↗ — For ermmmmm Photos OmniGraffle↗ — For diagrams and stuff 1Password↗ — Locking all my passwords away Reeder 2↗ — For reading all my newsfeeds Commandline Apps Home Brew↗ — Install “missing” stuff on macs Cask↗ — Install Mac Apps using the command line using Brew StormSSH↗ — Key & hosts management known_hosts↗ — A simple cli known hosts manager Packer↗ — Build machine images Z↗ — Jump around the CLI Jekyll↗ — What this blog is published with Server Stack CentOS 7↗ — The Base OS Puppet↗ — Configuration Management SaltStack↗ — Infrastructure management Docker↗ — Run Linux containers New Relic↗ — Server Monitoring Services Digital Ocean↗ — Server Hosting AWS↗ — Server Hosting CloudFlare↗ — CDN & Stuff Github↗ — Code Hosting Pinboard↗ — Bookmarks EverNote↗ — Note taking RememberTheMilk↗ — Task management Feedly↗ — For managing all the newsfeeds Pocket↗ — For reading articles later The biggest change since the last update is ….. ...

July 27, 2014 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Set up high availability central logging in AWS with Amazon CloudWatch Logs. This guide covers installation, IAM permissions, and CloudWatch Logs agent setup.

High Availability Central Logging in AWS

As part of another work project I needed to install some central logging to run in AWS. Simple you may say, create an instance and use Puppet to install ELK server stack↗ on there, or go back to basics and create a rsyslog↗ server. Normally this would be well and good, however I needed to ensure that all parts solution were highly available and fully redundant, this meant that I would have engineer a lot of HA into my ELK or rsyslog servers. ...

July 22, 2014 · 4 min · Russ Mckendrick
Discover how I use GitHub and Markdown for technical documentation and code management, streamlining collaboration and version control in projects.


I am currently working on a technical project for work where I need to keep a combination of code and technical documentation together, at the moment it is only me working on the project though other people may start to contribute later. Normally on projects like this I dump all of my work in either a Google Docs ↗ document or use files in Basecamp↗ however as this was mostly technical documentation along side snippets of code I decided I wanted to use Markdown↗ . ...

July 20, 2014 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Taking CentOS 7.0 for a spin: Discover the changes in networking, systemd, XFS, and Docker support in this firsthand exploration on a DigitalOcean Droplet.

First play with CentOS 7.0

As I didn’t get chance to have a play with the pre-release CentOS 7.0 builds I decided to wait until DigitalOcean↗ lauched their image↗ which they did just in time for the weekend. Check the IP Address First thing I did was type in ifconfig and got ….. First play with CentOS 7.0 1/5 [root@server ~]# ifconfig -bash: ifconfig: command not found ….. not a good start, have dabbled with a Fedora↗ when I installed OpenShift I remembered about the ip command ….. ...

July 12, 2014 · 3 min · Russ Mckendrick