Exciting weeks with a surge in Twitter favorites from a Docker-related tweet and mentions in Docker Weekly News and by CenturyLink Labs.

Whats going on?

Its been an interesting few weeks. I woke up one morning to find around 70 emails, most of them from Twitter saying a tweet I had been mentioned in had been favorited, this was the source …. .@docker, Fig, @nginx Reverse Proxies and #CentOS 7 https://t.co/Eenl8b1g9r by @RussMckendrick via @mediaglasses — Docker (@Docker) October 13, 2014 …. yay. After spending a fews months talking about Docker↗ at work↗ it was good to get a mention. Also I got mentioned in the Docker Weekly News Letter↗ . Also this happened a few weeks later …. ...

November 2, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Reflecting on my smoothest MacOS upgrade experience with Yosemite: a journey from backup to clean installation and setting up my essentials.

Yosemite Installation

This could be the most straight forward MacOS update I have ever performed (I have been doing them since System 7.5↗ ). This time all three machines (iMac, MBP and MBA) worked first time with no dramas. As always the first thing I did was a full TimeMachine back-up (I have been burnt before) and then downloaded a copy of the Yosemite install from the AppStore. Rather than do an in-place upgrade I always do a clean installation, for the last three releases I have used the excellent DiskMaker X (or Lion Disk Maker as it used to be known)↗ . Once I have a USB installer I rebooted into the USB disk and then erased my primary hard drive using the disk utility, which is always a fun moment. ...

October 20, 2014 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Exploring CoreOS on DigitalOcean: From setting up a single instance with familiar tools to configuring a powerful container-oriented OS.

Very basic CoreOS

On Friday DigitalOcean announced the availability↗ of CoreOS↗ on their platform. CoreOS is a very optimized Operating System which is designed to just run containers. While it has some very powerful clustering elements made up of …. etcd↗ fleet↗ systemmd↗ …. I decided my first step should be to do the opposite of every blog post I have read about CoreOS and run a single instance with the tools I am used to using. ...

September 7, 2014 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Sharing a captivating collection of music documentaries I discovered on YouTube, from Factory Records to Prog Rock legends.

Music Documentaries

While bored the other day I stumbled across some great music documentaries on YouTube, here are some of the best …. Enjoy

September 7, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Exploring Docker's rapid updates and the ecosystem, including using Fig for container orchestration and setting up an NGINX reverse proxy.

Docker, Fig, NGINX Reverse Proxies and CentOS 7

I have been writing a lot about Docker↗ and how I have used it over the last several months so why another another post? Well, for a start it has a lot of momentum. Since Docker went 1.0 in June↗ there have been two further↗ releases↗ . Also, the ecosystem which has sprung up around Docker is keeping up the same pace as well. This means that there is always a lot of new shinny things to play with such as ….. ...

August 31, 2014 · 4 min · Russ Mckendrick
Reflecting on a year of blogging: celebrating the first post's anniversary, layout changes, and the evolution of my blogging journey.

One Year On

I just noticed that the first post on this blog was made exactly a year ago today. While the layout and blogging engine has changed and I have not posted for extended periods of time happy birthday to me.

August 31, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Learn how I seamlessly access and manage containers without SSH using nsenter and docker-enter on CentOS 7, making DevOps simpler.

Connecting to Docker Containers

I have been installing and exposing SSH on most of the containers I have deployed, which I know is wrong. As I have been trying to do things in a more “devops” way I decided to do a little reading on how I can enter and leave running containers on my CentOS 7 instance without having to expose SSH or configure users. This is when I came across nsenter↗ & docker-enter↗ . As you can see from the following instructions and terminal session installing nsenter and then using docker-enter to connect to a running container is a breeze; ...

August 25, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Discover how I effortlessly stay updated with the latest blogs using Feedly and Reeder 2, and how it fuels my reading list.

Reading List

At least once a day I skim through a large number of blogs in my Feedly↗ feed using Reeder 2↗ , when I see something which catches my eye I send it over to Pocket↗ so it is sync’ed to all of my devices. Here are some of the posts I have saved for further reading …. Docker / PaaS PaaS for Realists↗ Why is Docker the new craze in virtualization and cloud computing?↗ Containers Aren’t the Extinction Event for Operating Systems↗ Cloud, Scale and DevOps There’s No Konami Code for Operations↗ 10 Things You Should Know About AWS↗ The Easy Way Of Building A Growing Startup Architecture Using HAProxy, PHP, Redis And MySQL To Handle 1 Billion Requests A Week↗ 99.99% uptime on a 9-to-5 schedule↗ What it takes to run Stack Overflow↗ How Facebook Moved 20 Billion Instagram Photos Without You Noticing↗ CloudFlare’s Matthew Prince: Building A Better Internet↗ It’s Called Jekyll, and It Works↗

August 17, 2014 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick