Upgrade your Digital Ocean droplet's kernel effortlessly. Discover the steps to ensure smooth kernel updates for enhanced security and performance.

Update the Kernel on a Digital Ocean droplet

A while I posted about a script I wrote to quickly bootstrap a Digital Ocean droplet. One one of the things I noticed while trying to install a few packages is that even though my script had run a yum update I was booting into the original Kernel and this was causing all sorts of hilarity when trying to build a Kernel module, because of this I added a few lines to my script to tell you if the kernel has been updated, and if so what the new version is;...

September 6, 2015 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Explore hassle-free Vagrant box creation with Packer in Atlas. Harness the power of seamless integration for efficient box building and management.

Building Vagrant Boxes with Packer in Atlas

I have a need to create both some Ubuntu and CentOS Vagrant boxes for a project I am working on. Normally I would have created them on my local machine, uploaded the artifacts to an Amazon S3 bucket and then published them using Atlas↗ (formally Vagrant Cloud↗ ). However in the past month HashiCorp↗ have updated Atlas so that you can now build Packer↗ templates directly within Atlas and publish the artifacts as Vagrant Boxes, all free of charge....

July 26, 2015 · 4 min · Russ Mckendrick
Enable passwordless sudo on Azure VMs by adding SSH keys via Terraform. Simplify provisioning and management with seamless key configuration.

Adding a SSH Key to Azure

In my previous post I wrote about launching a CentOS 7 Virtual Machine in Azure↗ using Terraform↗ . As you can see from my original configuration I was adding a password and my own user. This worked well, the machine launched and I could access it as expect and sudo to root. However, when it came to using Terraforms built-in provisioner I started to have problems as the commands I was running need root privileges, when I tried using sudo it would sit there waiting for the password to entered....

July 22, 2015 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Unlock the power of Terraform and Azure for seamless VM provisioning! Learn how to streamline your infrastructure management today!

Terraform & Azure

As regular readers will know I really like the tools provided by Hashicorp↗ and today I found an excuse to use one. I needed to bring up a Virtual Machine in Microsoft Azure↗ . I hadn’t logged into Azure for quite a while so imagine my shock when I opened the dashboard, it’s not that great and the beta of the new one isn’t that brilliant either. It was so bad I tweeted about it …....

July 19, 2015 · 5 min · Russ Mckendrick
Examine the web fortunes of Dragons Den businesses. Study site performance under heavy traffic & learn resilience tips.

Slain by Dragons

Last night I did some I haven’t done for a while and watched the opening episode of a new Dragons Den↗ series while it was being aired. After a short time I found myself less interested in what was happening on screen and more interested in what was happening to the contestants (this is after all a primetime game show isn’t it?) websites during what should be a predicted spike in traffic....

July 13, 2015 · 3 min · Russ Mckendrick
Effortless deployment of Puppet on CentOS/RHEL? Check out my updated installation script and streamline your automation setup today!

Update to Puppet Install Script

Around this time last year I blogged about Upgrading my servers to CentOS 7, the post contained a link to a script which I wrote to deploy a Puppet Master & Agent and some updated instructions for installing on RHEL / CentOS 7. As those instructions no longer work, and I needed to install a Puppet Master to have a play with I decided to update the installation script. After a little reading it looks like installing a Puppet Master with Apache and Passenger is a little old fashioned since the release of Puppet Server↗ ....

July 12, 2015 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Discover the updated one-liner Docker installer for CentOS 7. Install Docker 1.7 and docker-compose effortlessly with the official RPM and a single command.

Update to CentOS 7 Docker install one-liner

UPDATE 26/07/2015 In typical fashion, a few weeks after posting this Docker themselves released a much better version than mine, you can install it using the following commands; Update to CentOS 7 Docker install one-liner 1/2 curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh systemctl enable docker && systemctl start docker docker run hello-world What follows is the original, now mostly redundant post. It’s been a while since I touched the code for the one-liner Docker installer I wrote a while back....

June 28, 2015 · 2 min · Russ Mckendrick
Get your CentOS 7 DigitalOcean droplet up and running in no time! Learn how to perform essential tasks for a smooth deployment.

Digital Ocean Bootstrap

As I have mentioned a few times on this blog I tend to use DigtialOcean↗ to spin up servers for testing and to host some of my projects. I also still use CentOS 7 as my preferred OS. Each time I boot a droplet I run few a couple of tasks to get the server how I prefer it. Run a yum update Enable swap Install & configure Fail2Ban Enable firewalld Install vim-enhanced, deltarpm & enable EPEL↗ As I am lazy and sometimes re-launch instances several times when working on a project I decided to write a quick script to do the above so I don’t have to↗ ....

June 28, 2015 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick