October 2016 Playlist
I have been writing a lot again this month so not a lot to post, however, I have been listening to a lot of music … You can listen to it all here …
I have been writing a lot again this month so not a lot to post, however, I have been listening to a lot of music … You can listen to it all here …
The two books I wrote about Docker are available for 50% off today from the Packt web site, click here to goto the deal↗ .
More and more I am having to not only think about how I would ensure that the infrastructure a service I am deploying on is highly available but also how I can manage its entire life-cycle in code. I have tried several tools for this such as Terraform↗ , Puppet and Ansible, however over the last six months or so I have settled on Ansible. After I first looked at it back in December 2014↗ it has come on quite a lot, especially after the version 2 release at the start of this year↗ . ...
Its been a while since I have posted a playlist, so I thought I would do one of all of the coloured vinyl I have been playing over the last few months … Here are some pictures of them in their full glory …
Yesterday the following email dropped into my inbox … … I spend a lot of the day job looking at and talking about Amazon Web Services (AWS) so this had got my interest. In my last book↗ I covered Amazon’s Elastic Container Service (ECS) and I have to admit that it wasn’t the most greatest service Amazon had released, especially compared the ease you can now launch Swarm Clusters using Docker. ...
As mentioned a few weeks ago I have been part of the Docker for macOS (as its now known) beta for a while. I didn’t pay much attention to the update last night until I just caught up on the tweets from Docker Con and noticed that they have built in orchestration straight into the core Docker Engine. They said it was there now and it will take no time to run so I decided to give it ago; ...
Earlier in the week I wrote about the new Docker Swarm functionality, as i didn’t have much time I was just using the Docker for Mac↗ beta. Launching a Swarm cluster To test more of the new features we are going to need a few servers so rather than launching them locally I decided to write an Ansible playbook to launch x number of droplets in Digital Ocean↗ . Once the droplets have launched the playbook goes on to perform the following tasks; ...
Earlier this week I wanted to show someone a copy of Rancher↗ running but I realized that I didn’t have a local lab configured. I managed to quickly launch a few machines in Digital Ocean↗ meaning I could do the demo. Rancher is described as being … From the ground up, Rancher was designed to solve all of the critical challenges necessary to run all of your applications in containers. Rancher provides a full set of infrastructure services for containers, including networking, storage services, host management, load balancing and more. All of these services work across any infrastructure, and make it simple to reliably deploy and manage applications. ...