Explore Docker Swarm, load balancing, and DAB with Ansible on Digital Ocean. Step-by-step guide included.

Docker Load Balancing & Application Bundles

Earlier in the week I wrote about the new Docker Swarm functionality, as i didn’t have much time I was just using the Docker for Mac↗ beta. Launching a Swarm cluster To test more of the new features we are going to need a few servers so rather than launching them locally I decided to write an Ansible playbook to launch x number of droplets in Digital Ocean↗ . Once the droplets have launched the playbook goes on to perform the following tasks;...

June 25, 2016 · 25 min · Russ Mckendrick
Learn to launch a local Rancher cluster effortlessly with Docker for Mac beta and Docker Machine for smooth demo setups.

Launching a local Rancher cluster

Earlier this week I wanted to show someone a copy of Rancher↗ running but I realized that I didn’t have a local lab configured. I managed to quickly launch a few machines in Digital Ocean↗ meaning I could do the demo. Rancher is described as being … From the ground up, Rancher was designed to solve all of the critical challenges necessary to run all of your applications in containers. Rancher provides a full set of infrastructure services for containers, including networking, storage services, host management, load balancing and more....

June 12, 2016 · 4 min · Russ Mckendrick
Discover Falco by Sysdig, a powerful behavioral security service monitoring system calls.

Falco by sysdig

Earlier this week the guys over at sysdig↗ announced the availability of Falco, a behavioral security service which is built on top of their core Open Source sysdig engine. As is always the case when I try new things, I launched a Digital Ocean↗ Droplet running CentOS 7.2. Once the Droplet was available I ran the command to get the basics configured on the droplet; Falco by sysdig 1/6 curl -fsS https://raw....

May 22, 2016 · 3 min · Russ Mckendrick
Experience Docker on macOS with enhanced speed and reliability. Learn how to install and leverage its native features seamlessly.

Docker on Mac OSX

I finally have a beta invite for the native OSX version of Docker, well sort of native OSX version, as you can see from the quote below there is still a virtual machine running … Faster and more reliable — No more VirtualBox! On Mac, the Docker Engine runs in an xhyve Virtual Machine (VM) on top of an Alpine Linux distribution. The VM is managed by the native Docker application....

May 8, 2016 · 3 min · Russ Mckendrick
Pre-order Russ Mckendrick's book 'Extending Docker' from Packt or Amazon. Learn advanced Docker techniques.

Extending Docker now available to Pre-Order

As mentioned in a post back in February I have been working on my second book for Packt Publishing↗ which is now available for pre-order. You can pre-order your copy from the Packt website↗ or Amazon↗ .

May 7, 2016 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick
Set up Consul cluster on Docker with Docker Machine & Swarm for service discovery, using shared private IPs for networking.

Consul Docker Cluster

As mentioned in my previous post I have been doing a lot of work with Docker Machine↗ and Docker Swarm↗ recently, to configure mulit-host networking with the latest version of Docker I needed to use a service discovery tool. As I had played with Consul↗ in the past I decided to use that for my back-end service discovery. Now if I wanted to launch a single node then I would run the following;...

February 27, 2016 · 5 min · Russ Mckendrick
Explore Docker's new networking features with Weave for encrypted, multi-host container networking. See the magic in action!

Docker Networking Magic

I have been quiet on here as I am in the process of writing again, one of things I have been looking at is Dockers new networking features. This gave me an excuse to have a play with Weave. Rather than go into too much detail here, lets go all click bait because you won’t believe what happened next. I launched two hosts in Digital Ocean↗ , one in London and then one in New York City using Docker Machine;...

February 25, 2016 · 3 min · Russ Mckendrick
Experience Alpine Linux for ultra-compact Docker images. Drastically reduce container size. Find my images on Docker Hub & GitHub.

Tiny Docker Images

I had a play with the excellent Alpine Linux↗ over the weekend. Alpine describes itself as; Alpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox. And by lightweight they really do mean lightweight, with an 8MB container size and a 130MB bare metal installation it is tiny. Because of this I decided to use it as the new base images for my Docker Images↗ as some of them were getting a little bloated....

February 1, 2016 · 1 min · Russ Mckendrick