I am currently working on a few other blog posts and presentations for work on some Azure features which required me to launch a CentOS 7 Virtual Machine running the latest version of Ansible using an ARM template.

One thing I had noticed which doing reading up on the services I am going to be using is that a lot of the demos and documentation from Microsoft had buttons where you could Deploy to Azure, so I decided to create my own — you can see the finished product below;

The HTML used to generate the button above looks like the following;

Alternatively, you could use markdown, which looks like the following;

Adding a Deploy to Azure Button 1/1
[![Deploy to Azure](https://azuredeploy.net/deploybutton.png)](https://azuredeploy.net/?repository=https://github.com/russmckendrick/azure-ansible-centos)

All you need to do is make sure that your ARM templates are called azuredeploy.json and when a user clicks on the Deploy to Azure button, they will be transferred to the launcher which loads in the ARM template in the provided repository .

Once loaded they should be presented with a screen which looks like the following;

a screenshot of a computer

Once the required information has been filled in, clicking Next starts the validation, once passed they will be given an overview of the resources are about to be launched;

a screenshot of a computer

Clicking on the Deploy button will deploy the resources, and after several minutes they should see something like the following;

a screenshot of a computer

This is a nice and simple way to allow your users to launch your ARM template powered application in Azure ☁️.

a man in a blue shirt