I spent Wednesday out of the office at the 2015 AWS Summit in London. It was the first time I had been to a full on AWS event and I must say I was impressed by the scale (pun intended).


The main keynote was interesting, and it was great to hear all about new Elastic File System which is going to be a godsend for those who need to have some level of shared storage.

The breakout sessions I managed to attend were interesting, but due to the large numbers of people who attended it was standing room only in nearly all of them.


I managed to catch one of the sessions I wanted to see, this was a talk about Hybrid Architectures. I get the feeling I maybe working a on lots of these in the future so it was good to get a technical overview of Amazon themselves.

However, due to the number of people I didn’t manage to catch any of the other sessions I wanted to see.

As you can see from the this Tweet from Steve it was a little like Black Friday trying to on the escalators to the sessions.