I am currently using most of these tools day to day …

Desktop Apps

  • SublimeText  — Still the best text editor around
  • Dashline  — Cross device password manager
  • Desk  — Great editor for writting blog posts
  • Photoshop  — For ermmmmm Photos
  • OmniGraffle  — For diagrams and stuff
  • Reeder 2  — For reading all the feeds
  • GitHub Mac Client  — The Mac GitHub client

Commandline Apps

  • Home Brew  — Install “missing” stuff on macs
  • Cask  — Install Mac Apps using the command line using Brew
  • StormSSH  — Key & hosts management
  • known_hosts  — A simple cli known hosts manager
  • Packer  — Build machine images
  • Z  — Jump around the CLI
  • Vagrant  — Run machines built with Packer


  • Digital Ocean  — Server Hosting
  • AWS  — Server Hosting
  • CloudFlare  — CDN & Stuff
  • Github  — Code Hosting
  • Pinboard  — Bookmarks
  • Evernote  — Note taking
  • RememberTheMilk  — Task management
  • Feedly  — For managing all the newsfeeds
  • Pocket  — For reading articles later
  • Toggl  — Time tracking
  • Authy  — A nice Two Factor Authentication tool
  • Plex  — An impressive cross device media centre

… so not much in the way of changes since I last wrote about the tools I use.