As you may have noticed, the website looks different to how it was previously. I decided it was time for a refresh and I wanted to make the design a little more interesting.

While Jekyll & Github pages use SASS the Bootstrap theme I settled for uses LESS . This meant that I needed to compile all of my CSS outside of Jekyll. Most of the articles I found say use either Gulp or Grunt , looking at the syntax of the two I preferred Grunt as it didn’t look like code.

Installation was straight forward enough;

Grunt + Jekyll + LESS 1/3
brew install node
npm install -g grunt-cli

So now what? I needed something which would do the following …

  1. Compile the LESS files
  2. Combine all of the CSS files into one
  3. Minify the resulting CSS files
  4. Run Jekyll to build the files

After a lot of trial and error I managed to get all of the above plus the ability to have the browser automatically refresh when I change a file, which was nice 😄

You can see what happens when I run grunt server or grunt css in the following asciicast  ….

Grunt Example

My configuration currently looks like ….


Grunt + Jekyll + LESS 2/3
 name: mediaglasses,
 version: 0.0.1,
 description: The Media Glasses Jekyll site,
 author: Russ McKendrick <>,
 license: “”,
 devDependencies: {
 grunt: ~0.4.5,
 grunt-contrib-concat: *,
 grunt-contrib-cssmin : *,
 grunt-contrib-watch : *,
 grunt-contrib-less: *,
 grunt-jekyll: *,
 grunt-contrib-connect: *,
 load-grunt-tasks: *


Grunt + Jekyll + LESS 3/3
module.exports = function(grunt) {
 pkg: grunt.file.readJSON(package.json),

less: {
 development: {
 options: {
 compress: true,
 yuicompress: true,
 optimization: 2
 files: {
 _css/main.css: _less/main.less
 concat: {
 css: {
 src: [
 dest: css/main.css
 cssmin: {
 css: {
 src: css/main.css,
 dest: css/main.min.css
 jekyll: {
 options: { 
 src: .
 dist: {
 options: {
 dest: ./_site,
 config: _config-dev.yml
 watch: {
 options: {
 livereload: true,
 css: {
 files: [_css/*, _less/*],
 tasks: [less, concat:css, cssmin:css]
 html: {
 files: [*.html, _includes/*.html, _layouts/*.html, _posts/*],
 tasks: [jekyll],
 options: {
 spawn: false,
 connect: {
 server: {
 options: {
 port: 8000,
 base: ./_site

grunt.registerTask(default, [less, concat:css, cssmin:css, jekyll]);
grunt.registerTask(css, [less, concat:css, cssmin:css]);
grunt.registerTask(server, [connect, watch]);

The following posts helped me get to where I am at the moment;

I plan on adding a few more options to optimise the images and also compile the Javascript into something a little more discrete, eventually you can read it here.