Since my last post about Docker I have been playing a lot more, rather than use a GUI like Shipyard I decided to use @garethr’s excellent Puppet Module to manage and deploy my containers. This allowed me to take a better look at the builds I had over at the Docker Index . The following is a list of builds I have deployed so far …..

General Containers

  • Base  — Base build for use with other Docker build
  • Jump Host- Build which can be used as a SSH jump host

Database Containers

  • MySQL 5.5 — Build which runs MySQL 5.5
  • MySQL 5.6 — Build which runs MySQL 5.6

PHP Containers

  • Apache & PHP 5.4 — Build which runs Apache with PHP 5.4
  • Apache & PHP 5.5 — Build which runs Apache with PHP 5.5
  • NGINX & PHP 5.4 — Build which runs NGINX with PHP 5.4 & PHP-FPM
  • NGINX & PHP 5.5 — Build which runs NGINX with PHP 5.5 & PHP-FPM

See the GitHub Repo and my Docker Index Profile for more information.